IEEA 2025


Keynote Speaker I

Prof. Hideki Ochiai
Yokohama National University, Japan

Title: to be updated

Abstract: to be updated

Biodata: Hideki Ochiai received the B.E. degree in communication engineering from Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, in 1996 and M.E. and Ph.D. degrees in information and communication engineering from The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, in 1998 and 2001, respectively. From 2001 to 2003, he was a Research Associate at The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan. Since April 2003, he has been with Yokohama National University, Yokohama, Japan, where he is currently a Professor. From 2003 to 2004, he was a Visiting Scientist at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA. From 2019 to 2020, he was a Visiting Professor at the University of Waterloo, ON, Canada, and a Visiting Fellow at Princeton University, NJ, USA. He is an IEEE Fellow.

Keynote Speaker II

Prof. Weerakorn Ongsakul
Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand

Title: Smart Grid Development for Carbon Neutral Utilities

Abstract: This research National Smart Grid Development for Energy Security (research) is conducted not only to gather information, principles and goals, regarding all related national strategies and development plans: Power Development Plan 2018 每 2037 Revision 1 (PDP2018 Rev.1), National Strategy 2018 每 2037, National Reformation Plan, Thailand*s Short-term (2017 每 2021) & Medium-term (2022 每 2031) Smart Grid Development Plan, but also to study, analyze in order to purpose the activities in which are essential to develop national-electrical infrastructure, consisting of generation, transmission and distribution system from the existing one to smart grid.
To do so, the researcher applies Qualitative Research to accumulate and examine any data stated in those national strategies and development plans, including any related academic papers and researches, which all lead to the results of this research. Moreover, Descriptive Research is utilized to represent the results which are that even smart grid is accomplished and established for national-electrical infrastructure; still, the fundamental system consists of generation, transmission and distribution based on Enhanced Single Buyer (ESB) structure. However, smart grid having more complicated energy-transfer and communication system than the existing one does have is able to bring all stakeholders to participate in new-upcoming business models at all voltage level such as Private Load Aggregator, National Energy Trading Platform (NETP) / Energy Trading Platform (ETP) and Third Party Access (TPA) for example in which could maintain national energy security, regardless of how much increasing amount of energy generated by renewables would be. Additionally, 244 million-tons of carbon dioxide equivalent emitted between 2022 每 2037 is expected to be abated by the growth of renewable energy and leads Thailand to be the nation of Carbon Neutrality and Net Zero Emission within 2050 and 2065 respectively.

Biodata: Serving as an academician for over 25 years, Prof. Weerakorn Ongsakul has dedicated his efforts to developing qualified and committed power and energy professionals in the region. He is a Chartered Financial Analyst Charterholder and Certified Energy Risk Professional. He is serving as a Board of Directors of PEA and PEA Encom International Co. Ltd., and as the RTG Faculty Representative at AIT. He has also been serving as the Secretary General for GMSARN since 2006. He is an IEEE Senior Member, and for his contributions to IEEE PES Thailand Chapter he was presented with Outstanding Engineer Award in 2019. He has authored 2 books and 10 book chapters alongside 95 international refereed journals and more than 150 international conference proceedings. His areas of interest include Intelligent System Applications to Energy Systems, Power System Operation & Control, Power System Restructuring and Deregulation, Smart Grid, and Energy & Financial Risk Management.

Invited Speaker I

Prof. Soteris Kalogirou

Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus

Title: Renewable Energy Systems: Current Status in the World and Prospects

Abstract: This presentation examines the current status of renewables in the world. The presentation starts with some facts about the climate change, global warming and the effects of human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels on the climate problem. It then examines the current status of conventional resources of energy such as oil, coal and natural gas and their reserves based on current consumption and known resources, followed by a general outline of the status of renewables in the world, which includes the shares with respect to conventional fuel use for electricity and power and jobs created. Then the basic forms of renewables are examined in some detail, which include solar thermal, both for low and high temperature applications, photovoltaics, hydro power, onshore and offshore wind energy systems and biomass/biofuels. In all these the basic technology is presented followed by the current status as well as the prospects of the technology and new research findings.

Biodata: Prof. Soteris Kalogirou is at the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Sciences and Engineering of the Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol, Cyprus. He is currently the Vice Rector on Economics, Personnel and Development of the university. In addition to his Ph.D., he holds the title of D.Sc. He is a Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences and Founding Member of the Cyprus Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts.

For more than 35 years, he is actively involved in research in the area of solar energy and particularly in flat plate and concentrating collectors, solar water heating, solar steam generating systems, desalination, photovoltaics, geothermal energy and absorption cooling.

He has a large number of publications in books, book chapters, international scientific journals and refereed conference proceedings. He is Editor-in-Chief of Renewable Energy and Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Energy, and Editorial Board Member of another twenty journals. He is the editor of the book Artificial Intelligence in Energy and Renewable Energy Systems, published by Nova Science Inc., co-editor of the book Soft Computing in Green and Renewable Energy Systems, published by Springer, editor of the book McEvoy*s Handbook of Photovoltaics, published by Academic Press of Elsevier and author of the books Solar Energy Engineering: Processes and Systems, and Thermal Solar Desalination: Methods and Systems, published by Academic Press of Elsevier.

He is a member of World Renewable Energy Network (WREN), American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), Institute of Refrigeration (IoR) and International Solar Energy Society (ISES).

Invited Speaker II

Assoc. Prof. Satoshi Matsuda
Shizuoka University, Japan

Title: The Real Goal is not a De-carbonized Society, but a Society Independent of Fossil Fuels

Abstract: The energy policy in G7 and other developed countries is now governed by the hypothesis that man made CO2 is the main cause of climate crisis, thus de-carbonization of the society should be pursued. But in fact, this hypothesis is unsubstantiated argument from the stand point of science. Over 1800 scientists have declared that there is no climate emergency (World Climate Declaration), in which they emphasized climate policies should be more scientific. The presenter also will show several evidences confirming that man made CO2 has little effect on the global climate system: 1) there is no rapid increase of global atmospheric temperature observed, 2) there is little correlation between the change of CO2 concentration and the temperature in the air, 3) the global total amount of CO2 cycle is over 200 Gt-C/yr, while man made CO2 is less than 10 Gt-C/yr, meaning that the latter is less than 5% of the former, and that man made CO2 has little effect on the change of atmospheric CO2. If this point is true, the de-carbonization policy has no meaning at all, which contains hydrogen, ammonia, e-fuels, CCSs, carbon emissions rights trading and so on. Because they are useful for saving the emission of CO2 at the end use only, not useful for essential saving of fossil fuels. On the other hand, the society independent of fossil fuels must be pursued for human society, because the amount of fossil fuels is limited. Although the COP 28 agreed ※Transitioning away from fossil fuels in energy systems§, there is no concrete measures for this transition indicated. We should discuss with a serious mind about the problem how to construct a sustainable society without fossil fuels. In this presentation, the problems about this transition will be discussed from several points of view; energy supply system which contains the selection of primary as well as secondary energy, alternatives to thermal engines, heat demand and supply, industrial manufacturing, food production, transport system and so on.

Biodata: 1978 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering, Kyoto University; 1983 Dr. of Chemical Environmental Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology; 1983 Res. Assoc. , Tokyo Institute of Technology; 1992 Assoc. Prof. , Faculty of Engineering, Shizuoka University
Major Research Area: Waste Treatment Technologies using Microorganisms; e.g. composting of kitchen waste (aerobic process), methane fermentation (anaerobic one). Technology Assessment (mainly renewable energies). Life Cycle Analysis (mainly technologies for recycling of wastes). Global Environmental Problems.

Invited Speaker III

Dr. Anupam Khajuria
United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD), Japan

Title: Tab

Abstract: Tab

Biodata: Anupam Khajuria joined United Nations Centre for Regional Development since 2014 as a Researcher. Earlier, she was received her Ph.D. degree in Environmental Engineering from Osaka University, Japan. She then worked as a post-doctoral fellow at the Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, India, and at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. Dr. Anupam Khajuria has delivered a number of invited and keynote talks in various international conferences and has organized several international Forums/Conferences. Her research is focused on how 3Rs and resource efficient policies and strategies will contribute towards new global agendas, such as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the New Urban Agenda. One of her current research involved exploring the potential of Circular Economy in aligning with several global agendas. Dr. Anupam Khajuria is currently a member of the Editorial Board of the journal &Circular Economy* and is also serving as an invited Editor in various journals.

IEEA 2025 will be announced soon